Selasa, 16 April 2013

SMANITA BC in Allienz Basketball League 2013

Allienz Basketball League is a basketball league held by MAN Mojokerto.
This year, it was held on February. Actually, it wasour first basketball competition. So, I expected nothing but a lot of experiences.

In this competition, our team placed in the same group with SMAN 1 Sooko and MAN Mojosari. We were all blind about them. We don't know their strengths and weaknesses. We just know that SMAN Sooko beat MAN Mojosari in the 1st game of the group.

the First Game of SMANITA BC, vs SMAN 1 Sooko. We were humiliated, scoreless against 40s.
the Second Game, vs MAN Mojosari. Defeated. 7 against 50s.
Lost. Lost easily.
I think it is fair enough since it was our 1st competition.
But, we went home with a spirit to train hard and be the winner some day.